You must select at least one Supporting Example from the list
to save your journal entry.
Set Secret Failed
The Secret Id you're attempting to set does not exist.
Please make sure you've typed a valid Secret Id and try again.
Refresh the page (CTRL-F5) to restore your previous
Secret Id.
Confirm: Save Secret Id?
You are setting a new Secret Id value.
You'll be able to use the "Restore Original Secret" button to
reload your original account.
Overwrite Current Secret Id With New One?
You are setting your original Secret ID.
This will discard the previous Secret ID and overwrite
it with the new one.
Are you sure you want to make the current Secret ID
the permanent one on this browser / device?
Select Entries
You must select at least one Journal Entry from the list
that you want to delete. Please select one or more entries
and try again.
Delete Entries?
Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected entries?